Working-From-Home Consulting

We provide corporate workshops and one-on-one consulting to help workers optimize well-being and productivity when working at home.

Only 5% of US workers reported working from home (WFH) full-time before the COVID-19 outbreak. Now it is the new normal. A 2019 study of over two thousand remote workers found that many struggle with loneliness, distraction, and unplugging after work—all posing major obstacles to productivity and wellness.

Corporate Workshops
This virtual workshop introduces the BALANCEDSM Checklist, a behavioral-science-based tool you and your employees can use to assess and improve home working environments. Learn how to adjust factors such as lighting, layout, acoustics, temperature, and nature-based features to make the home workspace a better place to think, heal, and create. Available as a one- or two-hour Zoom workshop for companies and other groups. Get in touch for further details.

One-on-One Consulting
Work directly with Space Works Director Lily Bernheimer to evaluate your current WFH setup and receive individualized coaching and design strategy to create a more biophilic, ergonomic, and inspiring workspace and home. Get in touch for further details.

Our expertise on this topic has been featured in publications including Psychology Today, BBC Science Focus Magazine, and The Times.