Tomorrow’s Home: Social Trends Report


Download the Tomorrow’s Home Summary PDF here. 

This wide-ranging report for ADAM Urbanism and Grainger plc analyzes emerging social trends in England and Wales, forecasts how these will impact upon the built environment, and presents practical implications for how architects, developers, and planners can provide for the needs of the next generation.

Covering topics from transport and technology to housing and employment, the report reveals how our social interactions and work structures are dramatically reshaping the built environment. Eighteen to 34 year-olds are driving less, working more independently, starting families later, and sharing everything from bikes to workspaces. This rising generation, Millennials, represent 25% of the population, so their needs and lifestyles will have a profound impact. These emerging trends forecast new housing ladder patterns and aspirations, and an end to the dormitory suburban model of work and family life.

The publication was launched on 1st October 2014 at RIBA, and has been presented at many forums including the London Festival of Architecture and the Academy of Urbanism.

When we master-plan new areas we know we are doing this for the future.  Not enough is known of the lifestyle and demands of the next generation.  This research should inform policy, planning and all new development.” -Robert Adam, ADAM Urbanism

As a business that has the privilege of over 100 years of experience in housing, we know how important it is to understand the underlying social trends that are taking place and ensure that new homes are designed to last and meet the needs of tomorrow’s families. This research is a great insight into how we will be living in the future.” -Kurt Mueller, Grainger plc

ADAM Urbanism and Grainger plc, the UK’s largest listed residential property company, commissioned us to research and write this comprehensive 80-page publication, which they also published. To request a PDF or hard copy of the full report please contact